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المقال: How to get rid of inflamed acne #dubai

How to get rid of inflamed acne #dubai
alizey mirza

How to get rid of inflamed acne #dubai

Hey guys,

As you may or may not know I'm completely obsessed with being on the Ocean!  One of the reasons is the freedom it makes me feel another is the great benefits of sea water on my skin.  I've always suffered with back acne and skin issues. One of the best ways to heal my skin is by going in the Ocean water!  Ever noticed how it helps clear up your skin?  The anti oxidant and antiseptic elements of ocean water really help with any inflammation. The other is using my trusted Skin Clinic in Dubai which is Called Biolite.  There I do a number of skin treatments including Salt Facial which has a lot of benefits including resurfacing and deeply cleaning the skin!  To get your skin treated organically go in the Ocean otherwise please visit 


Sea salt water is packed up numerous skin-healing minerals. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium help to absorb toxins in the body and promote the healing process. That's why it is a miracle worker for acne and infections. The magnesium is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, effective at getting rid of acne! 

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